Let me invite you in our forthcoming GRAND AUCTION which will take place 1 May, 4-7pm EST or 10 pm CET in Noir Naxos Island. Whats new in this auction?
We have reduced bids than a normal session! Bids are welcomed for Week, Day(s), Hour(s) or
Group ones. Minimum bids per category are (900/week, 150/day, 80/hour).
Also there will be an automated lotto. ladies and members who will participate will get
free tickets automatically (no cost for them) and win under an objective lucky draw either paid sessions (in rays) or noircoins for our members!
Watch offline the Auction board through our website.
We had a huge participation: 28 Noir ladies, 18 Member-Bidders, total auctions bids (25,150 rays), 4 hours party, a pack of OUZO during party, many who asked to get their cabin @ Naxos isle. Congrats to Noir ladies, grateful to Noir members. Next auction comes 29 May as a "Lite" one (less bids).
Great Auction Party at Naxos Isle ! Great Members + Loveley Noir Ladies = FUN;FUN:FUN !!! Thank you all, that have participated !!!
THAT was fun!!!!!!!!!
Lets see some considerable bids on Noir ladies !