13 and Friday! What best to do a GOLD MASQARADE party in Noir Monsters Alley.

What is a GOLD Party?
Gold parties are special events, as parties, focused only to Noir Palace Members, Golds and up membership levels. There is a special theme - this time the theme is Monsters and naughty sweet animals. There is a DJ focused on the party theme, with relative music. Its not allowed other people, so parties are not open to crowd.
This party has some rules and conditions.
a) Noir ladies are dressed as naughty animals or sexy girls lost in the forrest! Some will be dressed ugly monsters but still sexy.
b) Noir Palace members are dressed anynow, however its encouraged to get dressed as Monsters or wild animals.
c) Party is 2 hours. It starts 4pm est, Party hostess is Simoni who will coordinate the fun experience of everyone during it.
d) Party scope is that Monsters/Animals (members) could hunt and cage any of sweet naughty animals (noir ladies) and have 1-1 or multiple fun orgies. It is highlighted that this is a role play game and respect for each side is accumulated as prerequirement.
e) It is a good practice that Members can get any Noir ladies up to 30 minutes giving as such the chance to the rest Members to enjoy the rest ladies.
Party is free access for all Platinum members. Gold Members are allowed to participate with a discount fee at 100 rays, 2 hours fun time.
So secure your participation either by mail or be into Noir Palace, 30 minutes before GOLD party starts.
Simoni is wild!
niuarrrrrrrrrrrr !!!
The bed installation was finished about 30 minutes before the party - unfortunately not enough time to practice!
still cleaning the lens from last Party !
It was an original party for a Friday and 13! lol.. We had not our photographer as she is afraid of dark alleys while there was a great costumed group of sweet animals (Noir ladies) along to lovely costumed monsters (members). Dj Angelos did his best for the party music. However, in our minus, we had not enjoyed the multi beds set last minute in main stage, where we had minimum for friday evening participation of our lovely Members! Thanks to our Noir Ladies, apologies to Members for their expectations for such parties. Next Gold Party will run into our Meditation Lounge while we might join with another club and co-run an "Eyes Wide Open" party.
@_Frances @starburst_lily @Karen @brunabernarda bruna @Hunnybee72 @Taylor2K Taylor @tonisuss1369 @asako_ @Jai_bella_BHL @lovetoexplorru Amy @Dogfather42 - Phil @Sir_Libitinarius Glenn @Anita @Cyndi_J_